
Imagine for Amiga

2nd October 1999 - We would like to assure everyone that Imagine for the Amiga is still in active
development, and will continue to be developed in light of the future Amiga development plan details
released from the Amiga parent company/Gateway.

Imagine is currently in the Constant Upgrade Program phase, where the current release is
version V5.16.
Further PowerPC support, and many enhancements, will be added in future ACUP releases.

A brief list of additions and changes for the V5.16 release are detailed below:
- Reworked Detail and Stage editor menus to bring them into line
with Imagine For Windows.

- Detail editor: Save object "overwrite requester" improved.

- Added Lightwave and 3DStudio object export functions.

- Added three new primitive object types - Hemisphere, Rod and Box.

- Added new "sharp edges" option to the relevant primitive objects.

- Added new right mouse button "popup menu" functionality.

- Added support for double-clicking an object type within the primitive
object window.

- Added support for double-clicking a render size type within the
sub-project/render resolution window.

- Added "path length" option to Detail editor.

- Added two new "lite" procedural textures - Purplehaze and Caustics.

- Added three new procedural textures (in 040 and 060 CPU versions) -
SSFBumps, SSPBumps and SSRBumps.

- Optimized PPC version of the MPEG video creator; Now utilises the
custom PPC maths routines.

- Improved GUI; This includes the main editors, and the requesters.

- Added default X & Y aspect ratios to rendering resolution types.

- Added an Imagine Splash screen. This uses the OS3.x Datatypes,
and also supports the 24Bit datatype system if available.

- ...and Miscellaneous other changes/enhancements which are detailed
in the included AmigaGuide documentation.

Further information and screenshots can be obtained from the main
Imagine for Amiga webpage at:

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